
Basic Usage of Free Serv00 Vritual Host Service on FreeBSD – 51 Security

On Dec 10, the number is 148465 / 150000 since there were a new server opened, and it will take 10,000 account. Usually in 2 weeks, it will be fulfilled. 

1 Create your own account

2 Log into your assigned panel through https://panel.serv00.com/

For me, I am using https://panel13.serv00.com/

3 Panel Dashboard – DevilWEB2.0

4 Check your Account Info and Server Info

Plan: FREE
Expiration date: Nov. 18, 2034, 4:51 a.m.

Mail servers

SMTP server: mail13.serv00.com
IMAP server: mail13.serv00.com
POP3 server: mail13.serv00.com

Database servers

MySQL server: mysql13.serv00.com
PostgreSQL server: pgsql13.serv00.com
MongoDB server: mongo13.serv00.com

DNS servers

DNS server #1: dns1.serv00.com
DNS server #2: dns2.serv00.com

Login with SSH

 SSH Login

host: Depending on the allocated server when you registered. For me, there are 12 servers full already, so I got server 13, which is :

user name and account is the one you regestered at serv00.

To keep you account alive, you had better to log in once every 90 days


    │               • MobaXterm Professional Edition v23.1 •               │
    │               (SSH client, X server and network tools)               │
    │                                                                      │
    │ ⮞ SSH session to [email protected]                          │
    │   • Direct SSH      :  ✓                                             │
    │   • SSH compression :  ✓                                             │
    │   • SSH-browser     :  ✓                                             │
    │   • X11-forwarding  :  ✗  (disabled or not supported by server)      │
    │                                                                      │
    │ ⮞ For more info, ctrl+click on help or visit our website.            │

Last login: Fri Jan 17 14:26:59 2025 from
FreeBSD 14.1-RELEASE-p5 (devil) #4 releng/14.1-n267718-524a425d30fc-dirty: Thu Sep 19 21:03:53 CEST 2024
  ____                   ___   ___
 / ___|  ___ _ ____   __/ _ \ / _ \  ___ ___  _ __ ___
 \___ \ / _ \ '__\ \ / / | | | | | |/ __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \
  ___) |  __/ |   \ V /| |_| | |_| | (_| (_) | | | | | |
 |____/ \___|_|    \_/  \___/ \___(_)___\___/|_| |_| |_|
  Revolutionary Free Hosting

 =[ Basic account info ]=
         Username: netsec
             Plan: FREE
  Expiration date: 2035-01-15 17:34:18

 =[ Limits ]=
       Disk quota: [=====================================] 7.15% (219.7M/3.0G)
        Processes: [=====================================] 25.00% (5/20)
       RAM memory: [=====================================] 7.34% (37.6M/512.0M)
              CPU: [=====================================] 3.40% (3.4/100)
              PHP: [5.6: 0/3]
                   [7.0: 0/3] [7.1: 0/3] [7.2: 0/3] [7.3: 0/3] [7.4: 0/3]
                   [8.0: 0/3] [8.1: 0/3] [8.2: 0/3] [8.3: 0/3] [8.4: 0/3]

 =[ Support ]=
 Looking for help? Documentation is available on https://docs.serv00.com/ - check it first.
 Still have questions? Fast free support available on the forum: https://forum.serv00.com/

 =[ Latest news ]=
 [09.01.2025 02:25:15] Server migration - s15.serv00.com
 Read more at: https://forum.serv00.com/d/2251-server-migration-s15serv00com


SSH 登录 Serv00,输入以下命令以激活运行许可:

Install WordPress


 Create a MySQL DB

make sure you got your db name, username (start with something m7948_) & password, server host name. 

  1. Go to ~/domains/DOMAIN/ where DOMAIN (such as jo.serv00.net) is the name of the domain where WordPress will be installed, command: cd ~/domains/DOMAIN/
  2. Download the installation archive of the latest CMS version:
    fetch https://wordpress.org/latest.zip
  3. Delete the public_html directory, unpack the archive, rename the unpacked directory and remove the unnecessary archive after unpacking: rm -r public_html && unzip latest.zip && mv wordpress public_html && rm latest.zip
  4. Go to the website and continue the classic WordPress installation in your browser. https://jo.serv00.net

Deploy Your Own Apps in Serv00

Enable – Run Your Own Applications 

DevilWEB2.0 – Additional services – Run your own applications – Enabled

Unblock IP

If for some reasons, your ip got blocked by serv00.com, you can use following page to unblock your ip. 


Install PM2

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shadownc/serv00-sh/main/install-pm2.sh)
# or
bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/k0baya/alist_repl/main/serv00/install-pm2.sh)

PM2 commands list:

  • pm2 start ./auto-renew.sh
  • pm2 list
  • pm2 ls
  • pm2 delete auto-renew
  • pm2 save
  • pm2 resurrect 
  • pm2 logs

Install Cloudflared

Cloudflared 官方仓库并没有构建 FreeBSD 系统上能够使用的二进制文件,但是同样的,我找到了第三方的构筑。使用第三方构筑的二进制文件,就能愉快的使用隧道了。

关于 Cloudflared 是什么,有什么用,ARGO_TOKEN 如何获取等部分,这里不再赘述,详细可以查看我的关于 CodeSandbox 的文章。

1 Create Cloudflared working folder:

  • mkdir -p ~/domains/cloudflared && cd ~/domains/cloudflared

2 Download Cloudflared from the third party’s build:

  • wget https://cloudflared.bowring.uk/binaries/cloudflared-freebsd-latest.7z && 7z x cloudflared-freebsd-latest.7z && rm cloudflared-freebsd-latest.7z && mv -f ./temp/* ./cloudflared && rm -rf temp

3 Test first:

  • ./cloudflared tunnel –edge-ip-version auto –protocol http2 –heartbeat-interval 10s run –token ARGO_TOKEN

Replace ARGO_TOKEN with your own. After test, ctrl+c to stop the running.

4 using pm2 to start  and run Cloudflared in the backgroud

  • pm2 start ./cloudflared — tunnel –edge-ip-version auto –protocol http2 –heartbeat-interval 10s run –token ARGO_TOKEN

Get Argo_Token from Cloudflare Zero Trust service page / Networks / Tunnels

Replace ARGO_TOKEN with the one you found from Cloudflare Zero Trust service page / Networks / Tunnels.

[j@s13]:<~/domains/cloudflared>$ pm2 start ./cloudflared -- tunnel --edge-ip-version auto --protocol http2 --heartbeat-interval 10s run --token eyJhIjoiN2YzNjkyNmRlOTI3ZWQ3NmEwYThhOGYyNWFhZjMxOGMiLCJ0IjoiODQ3YzM3NTctODRhZC00YjExLTliNzAtMmNiZmUwZjgzYmNhIiwicyI6Ik1qTTJZekV5T1RndFkyVXdPQzAwWkRCaExUaGpZbVF0WkRVMk1ETTRNREl3TldSbSJ91

[PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/home/jo/.pm2
[PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized
[PM2] Starting /usr/home/jo/domains/cloudflared/cloudflared in fork_mode (1 instance)
[PM2] Done.
│ id │ name           │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 0  │ cloudflared    │ default     │ N/A     │ fork    │ 86038    │ 3s     │ 0    │ online    │ 600%     │ 26.3mb   │ jo  │ disabled │

You might need to wait a bit to see all outputs. 

5 Then go to Cloudflare tunnel’s public host name page to set up your own domain to map to your service’s port.

Note: https://saika.us.kg/2024/01/27/serv00_logs/

Install Site Monitoring APP – Uptime Kuma

All Commands

cd ~/domains && wget https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/archive/refs/tags/1.22.1.zip && unzip 1.22.1.zip && rm - rf public_html && mv -f uptime-kuma-1.22.1 public_html && rm -f 1.22.1.zip && cd public_html

npm ci --production

wget https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases/download/1.22.1/dist.tar.gz && tar -xzvf dist.tar.gz && rm dist.tar.gz

npm install

node server/server.js --port=4163

pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma -- --port=4163

Demo: https://uptime.bestit.eu.org/status/all

Due to the platform limitations of FreeBSD, version 1.23 has built-in PlayWright and cannot run it, so only version 1.22 can be installed. Remember to release the TCP port in Panel first.

First, release a port in the Panel, and then add a New Website according to the following table:

Key Value
Domain xxx.USERNAME.serv00.net(You can also delete the original USERNAME.serv00.net and add it again)
Website Type proxy
Proxy Target localhost
Proxy URL Leave blank
Proxy port The port you plan to use to deploy Uptime-Kuma
Use HTTPS False
DNS support True

After adding the new site, continue to click Manage SSL certificates above, then click Manage on the right side of the export IP, and then click Add certificate:

Type Domain
Generate Let’s Encrypted certificate Keep it consistent with the domain name of the site you just added (if it is the original one USERNAME.serv00.net, you can omit this step)

Then log in via SSH and enter the domain name directory you just created:



cd ~/domains && wget https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/archive/refs/tags/1.22.1.zip && unzip 1.22.1.zip && rm - rf public_html && mv -f uptime-kuma-1.22.1 public_html && rm -f 1.22.1.zip && cd public_html

Set production mode:

Download the dist file:


wget https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma/releases/download/1.22.1/dist.tar.gz && tar -xzvf dist.tar.gz && rm dist.tar.gz

Install additional dependencies:

There will be errors during the installation process. Just ignore them. In fact, it will run normally in the end. The built-in Cloudflared reverse proxy cannot be used on the FreeBSD platform, but you can use the above-mentioned external Cloudflared for reverse proxy and use your own domain name.

Test run:


node server/server.js --port=PORT

Remember to replace PORT with the port you released. After confirming that there is no problem with the operation, press Ctrl+cto stop the operation.

Use pm2 to manage the background operation:


pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma -- --port=PORT

Remember to replace PORT with the port you released.

If you don’t want your Uptime-Kuma http://IP:PORTto be accessed by others, you can add the suffix at the end of the execution command --host= that it can only be accessed through the domain name of the reverse proxy:


pm2 start server/server.js --name uptime-kuma -- --port=PORT --host=

Likewise, you can also use Cloudflared Tunnel to add domain names without choosing to use a proxy.

[jonnetsec@s14]:<~/domains/public_html>$ pm2 start server/server.js –name uptime-kuma — –port=4163
[PM2] Starting /usr/home/jonnetsec/domains/public_html/server/server.js in fork_mode (1 instance)
[PM2] Done.
│ id │ name           │ namespace   │ version │ mode    │ pid      │ uptime │ ↺    │ status    │ cpu      │ mem      │ user     │ watching │
│ 0  │ cloudflared    │ default     │ N/A     │ fork    │ 41282    │ 73m    │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 36.3mb   │ jon… │ disabled │
│ 3  │ uptime-kuma    │ default     │ 1.22.1  │ fork    │ 86760    │ 0s     │ 0    │ online    │ 0%       │ 46.9mb   │ jon… │ disabled │
[PM2][WARN] Current process list is not synchronized with saved list. Type ‘pm2 save’ to synchronize.
[jonnetsec@s14]:<~/domains/public_html>$ pm2 save
[PM2] Saving current process list…
[PM2] Successfully saved in /home/jonnetsec/.pm2/dump.pm2

[Note] You might need to run following commands to restore the services managed by PM2 and check logs. 

——————————Following method is not working anymore —–

——————————it copied here just for a reference. —–

Clone the Uptime Kuma project

Once connected to the server, go into domainsthe directory and clone the Uptime Kuma GitHub repository:

  • cd ~/domains 
  • git clone https://github.com/louislam/uptime-kuma.git

Install dependencies and run Uptime Kuma

Enter the cloned project directory and run the following commands to install the required dependencies and perform preliminary settings:

  • cd uptime-kuma 
  • npm run setup

Modify the configuration file

Modify ecosystem.config.js the file according to the actual situation and set the correct port number. The following is a sample configuration:

module.exports = {

    apps: [{

        name: “uptime-kuma”,

        script: “./server/server.js”,

        args: “–port=11010”,

        env: {

            “PLAYWRIGHT_BROWSERS_PATH”: “/nonexistent”





Start the service

Finally, start the Uptime Kuma service using pm2:

  • pm2 start ./ecosystem.config.js


Through the above steps, you have successfully set up the Uptime Kuma monitoring service on Serv00. You can access your monitoring page through the set port number and start real-time monitoring of your website.


  • https://linux.do/t/topic/168835
  • https://blog.agexf.com/2024/06/30/up-serv00

Your Own Domain Mailbox with Serv00 Hosting


  1. 登录serv00面板 这里用的S13的 面板地址就是:https://panel13.serv00.com/
  1. 点击DNS zones 新增一个(Add new zone)
    1. notion image
  1. 要到你的域名托管处添加A记录解析 推荐托管在Cloudflare
  1. 返回Zone list 点击你添加的域名右侧操作按钮的Edit 红框内的需要在Cloudflare DNS解析添加
    1. notion image
  1. Cloudflare添加
    1. notion image
  1. 面板点击E-mail 添加一个邮箱
    1. notion image
  1. 返回Domain list 就可以看到域名出现在列表了 点击Details 设置一下存储大小 注意不要给太大 因为serv00只有3G储存
    1. notion image


  1. 前置工作 添加邮箱的时候 控制台会有一个/add 的请求 找到它并且记录token
    1. notion image
  1. 修改脚本中对应值 直接在控制台运行脚本
    1. csrfToken










const csrfToken = ''; 
const domain = ''; 
const number = 13; 
const password = 'your1@PASSWORD'; 
const maxEmails = 10; 

const characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'; 

function generateRandomPrefix(length = 5) {
  let prefix = '';
  for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * characters.length);
    prefix += characters[randomIndex];
  return prefix;

async function addMailbox(prefix, password) {
  const email = `${prefix}@${domain}`;
  const body = `csrfmiddlewaretoken=${csrfToken}&email=${email}&id_email-placeholder-1=${prefix}&password1=${password}&password2=${password}`;

  const response = await fetch(`https://panel${number}.serv00.com/mail/details/add_mailbox/${domain}`, {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
      "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
    body: body,
    credentials: "include"

  if (response.ok) {
    console.log(`邮箱 ${email} 添加成功`);
  } else {
    console.error(`邮箱 ${email} 添加失败: ${response.status} ${await response.text()}`);

async function batchAdd(password, maxEmails) {
  const usedPrefixes = new Set(); 

  for (let i = 0; i < maxEmails; i++) {
    let prefix;
    do {
      prefix = generateRandomPrefix(); 
    } while (usedPrefixes.has(prefix)); 

    await addMailbox(prefix, password);
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); 

batchAdd(password, maxEmails);

Note: https://blog.lmyself.top/article/122ee568-45a2-802a-a9ea-c2bf6e5d1c23

IP Quality Check in FreeBSD



含 IPV4 和 IPV6 检测,含ASN和地址查询


  • bash <(wget -qO- bash.spiritlhl.net/ecs-ipcheck)

Auto Login to Renew Serv00 Every Month

可以使用自身 SSH 自身的方式进行自动续期,操作如下:
1 进入一个自己喜欢的路径,使用 cat 命令新建 auto-renew.sh 脚本:

cat > auto-renew.sh << EOF

sshpass -p ‘密码’ ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -tt 用户名@地址 “exit” &



2 给 auto-renew.sh添加可执行权限:

3 再去 Panel 中找到 Cron jobs 选项卡,使用 Add cron job 功能添加任务,Specify time 选择 Monthly,Form type 选择 Advanced。Command 写 auto_renew.sh 脚本文件的绝对路径,如 /home/username/auto_renew.sh >/dev/null 2>&1 即可。


YouTube: Get a free serv00 account and create wordpress site:

Install Uptime Kuma:

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